بقلم الشاعر والأديب المبدع / د . زين العابدين فتح الله

إليكم قصيدتي 
                            أتظن بي..غير ظني...؟ 

أتظن أن القلب يغفو عن هواك ؟
والعين تلحظ غير لحظك بالورى ؟
ففؤادي قبلك لم يكن سوى هواء 
و بقربك قد ارتوى وما لغيرك قد هوى 
أنت الذي تحدثني به روحي و ما لي 
أرض ألوذ بها سواك ولا سما !
ألم تر كم شغل الفؤاد بك و ما نسى؟
وكم صار نبض القلب بهمسك ناطقا ؟
بحروف خطبك كما النبع مترقرقا ؟
فأنا أراك  في الليالي قمر ضوى 
 و أرى النجوم شواهد من حولنا 
و عند انبلاج الصبح نديا ومناديا 
للشمس من خلف الشفق آن اللقاء
و أراك بين شعاعها دانية بثوبها 
حيية ترمي بدفء وحنان بلحظها 
وكم أنتظر اشراقة لمحياك هي الدوا 
لقلبي الذي أعياه ظنك وما شكى 
بل ظل ينبض و الجوارح تكتوي 
وما لهواك بعد مدى و لا منتهى !
أنا إن بعدت علي دروبك بالنوى 
فلن تغيبني عنك.حوادث وما جرى !
فإن كان للزرع حياة دون ماء وريا 
أو أن للطفل دون أمه أي تدلل !
ذاك الذي أظنه فيك دون الورى 
وذاك هو حالي بدونك يا منيتي!
Here is my poem 

Do you think of me..other than my thought...?

Do you think that the heart sleeps from your love?
And the eye notices other than you in the world?
My heart before you was nothing but air
And near you it has been quenched and has not fallen for anyone but you
You are the one my soul speaks to me with and I have no
land to take refuge in other than you nor a sky!
Haven't you seen how much the heart has been occupied with you and has not forgotten?
And how much the heartbeat has become, in your whisper, speaking?
With the letters of your sermon, like a gushing spring?
 So I see you in the nights as a shining moon

And I see the stars as witnesses around us

And at dawn, dewy and calling

To the sun from behind the twilight, it is time to meet

And I see you between its rays, approaching in its garment

Alive, throwing warmth and tenderness with its glance

And how much I await the radiance of your face, it is the medicine

For my heart that was exhausted by your suspicion and did not complain

Rather, it continued to beat and its limbs were burned

And your love has no limit or end!

If your paths are far from me with separation

You will not make me disappear from you. Incidents and what happened!

If the plant has life without water and irrigation

Or if the child has any pampering without his mother!

That is what I think of you without people

And that is my state without you, my wish!

By the writer and author, poet Dr. Zain Al-Abidin Fathallah

للكاتب والأديب الشاعر د./ زين العابدين فتح الله


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